Got some time to spare? Then give some of our chinchilla puzzles a go...
We have basic interactive games you can play on your pc or puzzles you can print off and complete at a later time.
Click on the links to open the games / puzzles...
Waste Hours & Have Fun...
Re-arrange letters to spell words relating to chinchillas.
Answer questions about chinchillas to complete our jumbo crossword.
Hidden Messages
A hidden message is revealed when you match numbers with the letters of the alphabet.
Letter Tiles
Unscramble the tiles to reveal a chinchilla message.
Help the chinchillas get to their destination by working out the correct way through the maze.
Find words relating to chinchillas in the grid. Words can be straight up, down, diagonal or backwards.
Anagrams, Crossword, Hidden Messages, Letter Tiles, Wordsearch.
Interactive Games
Try playing against the PC with some of the games below. Note: These games may have restricted content until you allow access. Allowing access is perfectly safe and enables you to the play the games.

Test Your Reflex
Test and sharpen your reflexes with this great reflex tester. Calculate how fast you can react to a ever-changing coloured square and see if you can improve on your response time.

Noughts & Crosses (also known as Tic-Tac-Toe)
A classic game of noughts and crosses. Click on an empty box to mark your play.

Tower Of Hanoi
The objective of the game is to move a stack of disks from the left-pole to the furthest right-pole in the least amount of moves, the catch being a smaller disk must always be stacked on top of a larger, and never the other way around. Depending on the number of disks, this can become very challenging. Comes with an auto-solve ability to stop you going crazy.
Ping Pong
Classic game of table ping-pong. Move the mouse up and down to move your paddle (the one on the right). Click on "serve" to begin every time a point is scored (make sure you press down and let up the mouse button on the serve button). You have ten reversals, also Press the H key at any time to reverse the horizontal movement, or press V to change the vertical movement. Game is to 15. Good Luck!! Best played in Internet Explorer.
Jigsaw Puzzle
Click 'scramble' and use your mouse to rearrange the jigsaw pieces and reveal a completed chinchilla jigsaw. Plays best in Internet Explorer.
This is a simple game of Snake. Select a speed then use your 'arrow keys' to attempt to eat the apple (red block) but watch out for the walls and yourself! At any time you can pause the game by pressing the space bar.