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Heterozygous Beige male chinchilla chatting on the telephone with his mate, a female Black Velvet.  Chinchilla Chronicles.

Chinchilla Chronicles will endeavor to reply within 48 hours to general enquires. Unfortunately some email providers place us in Junk or Spam folders, therefore if you have not heard from us within 48 hours, please check these folders first before emailing us again. Generally our reply is already sitting waiting for you....

No medical questions will be answered via this website it would be seriously irresponsible for us or anyone to offer medical advice or behavior intervention over the internet without properly assessing the chinchilla. Please do not email us questions regarding health or other issues regarding your chinchilla. If you have serious concerns over your chinchilla's health it is our advice that you should seek exotic veterinary advice as soon as possible.

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An Essential Guide To Owning A Chinchilla

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2) The Essential Guide to Owning a Chinchilla seems expensive to post abroad?

3) Can my copy of An Essential Guide to Owning a Chinchilla be personally signed?

Mini Book Series

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2) What is the definition of a mini book?

3) What is the difference with a self published book?

4) Can my mini books be personally signed?

5) Are any of the free special offers refundable?

6) Is there a postal discount if i purchase more than one book from the mini series?

Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible

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2) What are the differences between an eBook and a paperback book?

3) Why is the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible an ebook and not a ‘hard back’ book?

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Many Thanks

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Two cheeky chinchillas gnawing the wires on a telephone.  Chinchilla Chronicles.

Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care and Education.
Chinchilla Facts ...

Heart Rate - 100 beats/min

Body Temperature -
between 96.8°-100.4°F

Life Span – 8-10+ years

Tail Length – 3"- 11”
Body Length – 8"- 15”
Whisker Length – 1/3 of body

Eye Colour – black, red, ruby

Fur Density – 80 hairs
per follicle.

Chinchilla Group - Heterozygous Beige, Dark Tan, Violet and Beige/Violet. (Chinchilla Baby/Kit) © Jo Ann McGraw.
© 2008-2025 Copyright Mirella Poli. All rights reserved. Photo Copyright: Jo Ann McCraw, Chinchilla Chronicles.