Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible
1) What is an eBook?
An eBook is an electronic version of a conventional printed book. It is stored and read on a PC and is accessible off-line.
2) What are the differences between an eBook and a paperback book?
An eBook is held on the PC rather than being in a printed paper format, thus saving masses of storage space. An eBook does not need to be held open to read like the paperback books and will never go out of print. Although they require electricity to be read, the production of eBooks does not consume the paper, ink and other resources that are used to produce printed books, thus making them very environmentally friendly. Text-to-speech software can be used to convert eBooks to audio books automatically (unlike paperback books) and you can search for certain words automatically making them ideal as a reference guide.
3) Why is the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible an ebook and not a ‘hard back’ book?
There can be certain limitations of ‘hard back’ books published by various companies. The main area of concern, is availability to all countries. All ‘hard back’ books also have a ‘print run’ limitation and it is the authors wish that this unique A-Z Chinchilla Health & Sickness Bible be available at all times and to as many chinchilla owners as possible, no matter of origin.
4) Can I buy these books anywhere else?
No. The Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible can only be purchased via chinchillachronicles.com. Any sales elsewhere are illegal and should be notified to Chinchilla Chronicles as this is breach of copyright ownership and legal action can be taken.
5) Do I need special software to open and read the eBook?
Yes and No. You will need to install the eBook Licence Manager (that arrives within our first email), which will also confirm your system's compatibility. This software provides you with a unique computer identification number (see Q7) and allows you to input your individual authority code so you can open your personal version of the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible. This procedure is extremely easy and only performed once, thereafter the eBook uses Adobe Reader (formerly Acrobat Reader) to open and read the eBook. All PC’s come with Adobe Reader free of charge but should you need a new version, the product can be automatically downloaded free of charge - .
6) What happens after I have paid for my Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible?
Once payment has been received, Chinchilla Chronicles will send you an email with a small file called ‘Licence Manager’. Licence Manager is very easy to install just like any other application and a video tutorial is included in the email to help make this process even easier for you. Once you have installed Licence Manager, the software will generate a unique 'computer identification code' for you, which you must email us so we can provide you with your personal 'unlock code'. We shall send the eBook attachment together with your personal 'unlock code', which will need pasting into Licence Manager after which, you will be able to automatically open your version of the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible. This procedure only needs to be completed once to unlock your personal version of the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible.
7) Licence Manager generates a computer ID code, is this the same as my real computer ID?
No, your real computer ID is impossible to expose. Licence Manager generates its own artificial computer ID code purely to match the activation key we provide you with to your computer. The computer ID that Licence Manager generates is made up of various numbers and letters that are not connected to any of your PC’s security and is purely a ‘made-up’ number generated by Licence Manager.
8) Do I need to be ‘on-line’ to read my eBook?
No, you do not need to be ‘online’ to read the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible. After you have received your unique licence code and authorized the activation of the eBook, you can read your eBook off-line and at any time of day.
9) What happens to the eBook once I’ve finished reading it?
Your eBook will be stored on your computer forever, therefore you can open it and read at any time of the day or night.
10) Can I print and copy my eBook?
Due to copyright protection you cannot print and copy the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible but it will be accessible for viewing and reading continually via your PC.
11) Does the eBook work on all computers?
This ebook will work on 99% of computers. The Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible is compatible with Mac OS Mavericks (10.9x). MacOSX and the following 32-bit & 64-bit operating systems: Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10.
12) Can I view my eBook on multiple machines?
No. Due to copyright protection, the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible is restricted to one copy per PC.
13) What should I do if I want a copy of the eBook on both my PC and laptop?
If you want a copy of the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible on your PC and laptop you should purchase two licenses. You will need to install the Licence Manager on both computers and submit the individual computer identification number the software generates (see Q7) to us so we can send you the licence codes for each computer. Once you have pasted the licence code into each computer, you will be able to open the eBook on either computers.
14) What is DRM protection?
DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. DRM is technology that allows publishers or authors to protect copyrighted material such as eBooks by defining the abilities or ‘rights’. These ‘rights’ determine what the users can do with the eBook such as, opening, copying, printing etc. This technology is intended to protect the work of authors by controlling the distribution of their content to authorized users only.
15) Why is DRM protection needed?
DRM is needed to stop non-paying customers having access to eBooks and other material. It allows the copyright owner to set restrictions such as copying and forwarding and to help prevent illegal selling or usage of the copyrighted work.
16) What is activation and why is this required?
Activation is a process that enables your PC to view digitally protected eBooks. Technically, it downloads keys that are needed to open protected eBooks and is needed to help protect the authors work.
17) Can I read my eBook without activating?
No. You cannot open and read your eBook without completing the activation process. This is a one-time procedure that is easy to complete and only takes a few minutes.
18) What happens if I try and forward a copy of the eBook?
It is against the copyright restrictions to forward a copy of the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible to any one else. If you try and forward a copy, the receiving party will obtain only an encrypted copy that will not open. The Licence Code submitted to yourself is unique to your computer and will not allow access on another PC. If you are found to be trying to forward free copies, this will be classed as breach of copyright and you will be caught and prosecuted.
19) I have paid for my eBook but have not received anything yet?
Firstly, please check that our emails are not being diverted by your email provider into your 'Junk' or 'Spam' Folder. Please allow 24 hours for Chinchilla Chronicles to reply due to international time zones. Chinchilla Chronicles will firstly send you an email containing the Licence Manager attachment, which you need to install first. Once you have actioned our first email, Chinchilla Chronicles will then dispatch both your personal 'unlock code' and the Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness attachment in a second email.
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