Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care and Education.


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Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to chinchilla care and education

Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care & Education



Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care & Education 

Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care & Education



Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to chinchilla care and education 

Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care & Education




Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100 different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire


Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100+ different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire



Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100 different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire  


Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100+ different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire



Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100 different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire  


Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100+ different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire




Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care & Education 


Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100+ different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire

  Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100+ different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire



Chinchilla A-Z Health & Sickness Bible - Identify sickness sooner! Lists over 100+ different illnesses a chinchilla can acquire

Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care and Education.
Chinchilla Facts ...

Chinchilla fur is considered
the softest fur in the world
and is thirty times more
softer than human hair.

They have the highest fur
density than any other land
animal with more than
20,000 hairs per square cm.

If a chinchilla is fed high
levels of protein (28%+) this
causes a negative effect on
the fur quality and hair
fibres become weak and
wavy giving them a
'cotton-like’ appearance
also known as ‘Cotton Fur’.

Chinchilla Group - Heterozygous Beige, Dark Tan, Violet and Beige/Violet. (Chinchilla Baby/Kit) © Jo Ann McGraw.
© 2008-2025 Copyright Mirella Poli. All rights reserved. Photo Copyright: Jo Ann McCraw, Chinchilla Chronicles.