Chinchilla Chronicles is very happy to link with other websites.
Links Page
If You Want To Link To A Specific Page Within Our Website...
Please feel free to link to whatever pages you wish to link to.
To create an external link to us you must copy the URL of the page you want to link to (as shown in the 'search engine address bar') and paste it into your 'Link Text Box'.
For example, if you want to link to our Chinchilla Care page, you would use the following link...
When a visitor clicks on a link connected to Chinchilla Chronicles they must be taken to our website - if you are unsure how to do this please contact us.
If You Want To Link Websites Together...
You can link with Chinchilla Chronicles website in two ways:
- Create an external link (as shown above) to: http://chinchillachronicles.com
- Use one of the images below...
You may use any of the images below to link to Chinchilla Chronicles by copying the HTML code shown next to the image you require and paste it into your website. This code must not be changed in away.
Once the Chinchilla Chronicles link is on your website, please contact us with the URL where our link is shown and we shall happily include you on our Links List.