Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care and Education.


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Chinchilla Rescue Centres


Chinchilla Group - Violet, Ebony, Silver Mosaic, Tan.

Below is a very small list of just some of the chinchilla rescue centres in the UK, America, Canada and New Zealand listed on the internet but there are many more out there.

Unfortunately we cannot take any responsibility for the links below as these are just mere suggestions. We have not been fortunate enough to visit all of these rescue homes to check out their 'standard of quality' and therefore, recommend you use the list below as a reference tool and contact the individual centres to arrange a viewing appointment.

Chinchilla Chronicles makes donations to chinchilla rescue homes on a yearly basis ...

Every December Chinchilla Chronicles donates some of the proceeds from the sales of our books to chinchilla rescue centres worldwide (our donations). We believe we should help chinchillas in need and send donations in the form of essential chinchilla products and not cash. This way we know all the donations we send are being received by the chinchillas in need and we have helped towards saving one more chinchilla. If you want to help this cause please see our Shop for items of sale, of which some of the proceeds are automatically donated to rescued chinchillas.

If You Are A Chinchilla Rescue Centre and would like to be added to the list below, please email us your URL and we will happily include you


If you would like to be considered for our annual rescue donation please email us your contact information for consideration.


The links below are listed in alphabetical order and not order of preference.


Chinchilla Rescue Centres in UK:


Chinchilla Rescue Centres in NORTHERN IRELAND:


Chinchilla Rescue Centres in USA:


Chinchilla Rescue Centres in Canada:


Chinchilla Rescue Centres in New Zealand:

Chinchilla Chronicles - Home to Chinchilla Care and Education.
Chinchilla Facts ...

In the USA, there are three
classifications for pet rescue:

A ‘municipal shelter’ - a
facility that houses stray
& abandoned animals, as
well as animals that people
can no longer care for.

A ‘no-kill’ shelter - usually
a privately operated
organization with a static

A ‘not-for-profit’
organization - which
operate through a network
of volunteer foster homes.

Chinchilla Group - Heterozygous Beige, Dark Tan, Violet and Beige/Violet. (Chinchilla Baby/Kit) © Jo Ann McGraw.
© 2008-2025 Copyright Mirella Poli. All rights reserved. Photo Copyright: Jo Ann McCraw, Chinchilla Chronicles.